How to Survive a Breakup in Five Easy Steps

Step One: Denial Fortunately, there is not much for you to do in this step. It comes quite naturally, you will find. Do not be fooled, however. This is not a mere denial of your ill-fated relationship or some melodramatic refusal to acknowledge the pain. No! This is denial that questions the actuality and the…

July 24th, a dream

I saw you in my dream last night. You came to pick me up, and we went for a walk. I had never seen you before, but in my dream, I knew you. I knew I was comfortable with you. I knew I was happy to be with you. I knew you were calm and confident. I…

Postcards from the Edge

  Dear Sir, I’m writing to inform you about a special invitation. You see, my mom loves Christmas! When the holiday comes around, she magically becomes one of Santa’s little helpers; wrapping sweaters, PJs, jewelry and the like. In fact, we jokingly dub the dining room her workshop – the table, overtaken with gift papers,…

Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye?

I’m not one for recommending books on singleness, but ladies, gentlemen, single or not, bring out your highlighters. In my younger years – when I thought I’d be married by 27 and have three years to settle down with my husband (plenty of time to confirm that children were not in our future) before we…

The God who created man

Trust God. Serve Him. Focus on Him. Be content in Him. Look to Him. Hide your heart in Him. You’ll see, He has the best for you. You just need to stop worrying about it. You just need to wait patiently. But you’re not in a waiting room, you’re in the field. Enjoy this opportunity…